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#221 : Le retour de Nana

Après le retour de Trey à Newport, une autre personne se rapelle aux bons souvenirs des Cohen, Nana, la mère de Sandy. Elle s'est installée à Miami et annonce la bonne nouvelle des ses prochaines noces. Sandy, Seth et Ryan vont donc à Miami pour rencontrer le fiancé. Mais à cette époque de l'année se tiennent le "Spring Break" (vacances de printemps), autrement dit une énorme fête complétement démesurée avec des filles, des concours idiots... Seth va y être largement confronté alors que Summer et lui viennent de décider de faire une pause. Kirsten va découvrir des sentiments refoulés lorsque Carter lui annonce son départ prochain de l'OC. Trey obtient l'ex job de Seth au Bait Shop et fête ça avec Marissa.

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The Return of the Nana

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Le retour de Nana

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Photo de l'épisode #2.21

Photo de l'épisode #2.21

Photo de l'épisode #2.21

Photo de l'épisode #2.21

Photo de l'épisode #2.21

Photo de l'épisode #2.21

Photo de l'épisode #2.21

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Josh Schwartz

Réalisé par : Ian Toynton

Audiences US : 6.77 millions

Nana invite les Cohen à Miami et leur annonce une grande nouvelle : elle va se marier !

Summer demande à Seth de faire une pause dans leur relation et Kirsten trouve un prétexte pour ne pas aller voir sa belle mère.

À peine Sandy, Ryan et Seth partis, Kirsten téléphone à Carter mais il lui apprend qu'il quitte le Newport Living pour travailler à New York. Les deux amis sont très émus et Kirsten lui propose un dîner d'adieu chez elle en tête à tête.

En l'absence de Ryan, Marissa décide de s'occuper de Trey et de lui trouver un travail, et Trey commence à trouver Marissa très à son goût.

Summer annonce à Zach qu'elle et Seth font une pause dans leur relation, il n'en faut pas plus pour que Zach l'invite chez lui pour dîner italien seul à seul.

À Miami, Seth, Ryan et Sandy retrouvent Nana dans une résidence pour personnes âgées.

Sandy rencontre Bobby, son futur beau père, qui est chiropracteur mais il se méfie de lui et de son look de play-boy. Sandy sort le grand jeu et se vante de ses contacts au FBI.

Seth devient très ami avec les petits vieux de la résidence et lui et Ryan rencontrent Mary Sue (anecdote : contraction de Marissa et de Summer), la petite fille d'une des résidentes.

Mary Sue a besoin d'un partenaire pour participer à un concours organisé par une chaîne de télévision pendant le spring break afin d'avoir de l'argent pour ses études et Seth se porte volontaire.

À Newport, Trey obtient un job de nettoyeur des toilettes au Bait Shop et lui et Marissa passent la soirée à fêter l'évènement en buvant des marguaritas et en regardant une comédie romantique.

Summer rejoint Zach chez lui et tous les deux préparent des gnocchis en regardant à la télé une émission sur le spring break de Miami.

Carter et Kirsten partagent un bon dîner très arrosé mais Kirsten lui avoue que tout vient du traiteur, par soucis d'honnêteté, Carter lui avoue que s'il est resté si longtemps à Newport ce n'était pas pour le travail mais uniquement pour elle. Ils s'embrassent avant de se souhaiter bonne chance pour l'avenir.

Après le départ de Carter, Kirsten a définitivement besoin de quelque chose de plus fort que le vin et se rue sur le réfrigérateur pour sortir une bouteille d'alcool.

Lors de la soirée du spring break, Seth apprend que le fameux concours consiste à manger de la crème fraîche sur le corps de sa partenaire.

La situation se complique quand le petit ami de Mary Sue débarque pour empêcher sa copine de participer à ce concours et pour casser la figure à son partenaire. Le concours prend enfin place et à l'autre bout du pays, Summer regarde l'évènement en mangeant ses gnocchis ; choquée de voir Seth embrasser Mary Sue à la télé, elle s'empresse d'embrasser Zach à son tour et Ryan fonce sur la scène pour empêcher Seth de se faire frapper par le petit ami jaloux.

Dans un coin plus tranquille de Miami, Sandy et sa mère attendent Bobby au restaurant. Bobby téléphone à Sophie et prétexte un cas d'erreur professionnelle et il dit qu'il fuit le pays en attendant que ça se calme. Nana se sent abandonnée comme par son premier mari et Sandy la console.

Trey et Marissa finissent leur soirée sur la plage. Trey commence à devenir très entreprenant avec Marissa qui refuse de l'embrasser mais Trey devient très agressif et essaye de la violer, heureusement pour elle, Marissa arrive à s'enfuir en le frappant avec un morceau de bois laissant son téléphone portable sonner sur la plage alors que Ryan essaye de la contacter.


SETH: Incroyable, Bright Eyes a 2 albums dans les 10 premiers.
RYAN: Ca te va ?
SETH: Oui. On dirait que le reste du monde m'a enfin rattrapé.
RYAN: C'est un peu effrayant.
SETH: Très effrayant. Dis-moi que je reste original.
NANA: Setheleh.
SETH: Nanaleh. Comment vas-tu ?
NANA: Si ça t'intéressait tant, tu m'aurais appelée. ça te tuerait de déposer le chèque que je t'ai envoyé ? Je ne t'enverrai plus rien,
SETH: Désolé, j'ai oublié.
NANA: Tu me compliques la vie.
SETH: Cette différence de 20 $ doit rendre ta banque folle.
NANA: Gros malin, où est ton père ?
SETH: Aucune idée.
KIRSTEN: C'est qui ?
SETH: Maman vient d'arriver, si tu veux lui parler. C'est Nana.
SETH: Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je. . . Papa vient d'arriver. Un moment délicat évité par tous sauf moi. Je t'aime.
NANA: Je te croirais presque.
SETH: C'est Nana.
SANDY: Maman. Comment vas-tu ?
SETH: Pourquoi parle-t-il si fort avec elle ?
KIRSTEN: On hurle dans cette famille.
RYAN: Comment va la grand-mère ?
SETH: Nana, Ryan. Une ''grand-mère'' fait des gâteaux. Elle est gentille avec toi.
KIRSTEN: Nana n'est pas gentille, mais elle se porte bien.
SETH: ça confirme mon soupçon : elle doit être immortelle.
SANDY: Comment ça, si vite ? Mon Dieu, Maman. Je vais te rappeler.
KIRSTEN: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
SETH: Tout va bien ?
SANDY: Nana. . . va se marier.
KIRSTEN: Elle se marie ?
SANDY: Faites vos bagages. On va à Miami.
SETH: Parfait. Jeu de palet, mah-jong, dîner à 4 h. Belles vacances de printemps !



SETH: Hé, mec. Je sais que tu es excité d'aller à Miami, mais je suis impatient de te présenter les amis de Nana. ll y a Abe, Stu et Stanley. Non, je crois que Stanley est mort. ll avait un truc à la prostate.
RYAN: Je ne peux pas y aller.
SETH: Pourquoi ?
RYAN: La situation avec Marissa.
SETH: Qui est excellente.
RYAN: Oui, mais il y a Trey.
SETH: Qui va très bien aussi. Ryan, tu n'as pas d'excuses. Tout va bien. Tu mérites des vacances. En fait, nous méritons des vacances. Papa apprécierait beaucoup.
RYAN: Oui, il est fatigué.
SETH: ll faut l'accompagner.
RYAN: ll t'a, toi.
SETH: Je ne peux pas. Mon agenda est plein. Belote, samedi. Bridge, dimanche. Je vais essayer de faire la croisière de bingo.
RYAN: Et toi et Summer ?
SETH: Je vais aller m'excuser tout à fait sincèrement et puis je quitterai la ville avant de faire une autre bêtise. Qu'en dis-tu ? Miami, Miami.
RYAN: Miami !


SANDY: Chérie, tu as mon numéro d'American Advantage ? Je suis sur AA.com. J'essaie de me faire surclasser. Tu sais que je déteste être assis au milieu.
KIRSTEN: ll est dans mon sac. Pourquoi es-tu si pressé ? Elle ne se marie pas demain.
SANDY: Je sais, mais. . . J'aime ma mère.
KIRSTEN: Qui peut l'aimer ?
SANDY: C'est terrible. Tu ne dirais pas ça de ton père ?
KIRSTEN: Tu as raison.
SANDY: Elle semblait si heureuse. Je veux m'assurer que tout va bien pour elle. Parfait. Surtout après l'année qu'elle a passée.
KIRSTEN: Tu es un bon fils.
SANDY: Ah, oui ? Et un mari comment ?
KIRSTEN: Parmi les meilleurs, assurément.


TREY: Miami ? Bon alors, amuse-toi bien.
RYAN: Merci. Tu te débrouilleras ?
TREY: Ne t'inquiète pas, Maman. Ry, je dois te laisser. C'est probablement le propriétaire pour se plaindre. Amuse-toi bien. A plus. C'est pas le proprio !
JESS: Hé, toi ! Alors. . . Je voulais juste venir te remercier de ne pas m'avoir dénoncée. Tu connais Don Julio ?
TREY: Oui. On se connaît depuis longtemps. Merci pour le cadeau.
JESS: Ce n'est pas le cadeau. J'imagine qu'un gars qui a été en prison 18 mois a dû se sentir bien seul.
TREY: Tu n'as pas idée.



SETH: Hé, Summer. Tu es occupée ?
SUMMER: Qu'est-ce que tu veux, Cohen ?
SETH: Parler.
SUMMER: Ah oui ? Tiens le sac.
SETH: Tout pour mon million-dollar baby. Je suis venu m'excuser.
SUMMER: Pourquoi ? Parce que j'ai été humiliée devant tes copains si branchés, fanas de musique indie et de BD, qui m'ont pris pour une demeurée.
SETH: Oui, mais ce n'était pas mon intention. Je voulais seulement que tu participes à tout avec moi.
SUMMER: lnutile de t'excuser. Tu ne peux plus me fâcher.
SETH: Tu es insensible à mon charme ?
SUMMER: J'essaie de l'être. Tu sais ce qui me conviendrait ? Une pause.
SETH: D'accord. Tu sais. . . Bien. En fait, ça tombe bien. Je pars à Miami pour voir Nana.
SUMMER: Alors, c'est parfait. Vas-y, picole bien et on te verra dans le Spécial Vacances sur MVN.
SETH: ça ne se passera pas comme ça. Je ne boirai que du Metamucil.
SUMMER: Je vais croire ca. Alors, vas-y. Va semer tes graines. Débarrasse-toi de tes Cohen-nismes Cohen-niens.
SETH: Et à mon retour ?
SUMMER: On verra.


MARISSA: lmagine. . . Tout un week-end à faire seulement ca.
RYAN: Tu peux attendre le week-end prochain ?
MARISSA: Pourquoi, tu vas quelque part ?
RYAN: En fait, oui, à Miami.
MARISSA: South Beach pour des vacances actives avec des étudiantes ?
RYAN: Non. Je vais voir Nana avec Seth et Sandy.
MARISSA: C'est gentil. Ce sera amusant.
RYAN: Oui, sûrement. Je me sens mal à l'aise de laisser Trey seul ici.
MARISSA: Je peux passer le voir.
RYAN: Vraiment ? Je voulais l'aider à trouver un travail.
MARISSA: Je m'en occupe.
RYAN: Merci, je te revaudrai ça.
MARISSA: Oui, tu me revaudras ça. Tu me devras tout un week-end à ne faire que ça.
RYAN: ça, je peux le faire.


SANDY: Tu as tous les numéros ? Mon portable, le Fontainebleau, Nana ?
KIRSTEN: J'ai les numéros.
SANDY: Tu te rappelles comment régler l'alarme sur ''sans attente'' .
KIRSTEN: Si elle se déclenche, le code est. . .
SANDY: ''Greased lightning'' . Tu as besoin d'argent ?
KIRSTEN: J'en ai assez.
SANDY: J'ai fait le plein.
KIRSTEN: J'apprécie.
SANDY: Ca va aller ?
KIRSTEN: Ca va aller.
SANDY: Je t'aime.
KIRSTEN: Et toi, ça va aller ?
SANDY: Oh oui. Vous avez tout, les gars ?
SETH: J'ai mon gilet et mes chaussures orthopédiques. Allons voir mes potes.
KIRSTEN (au téléphone): Carter est là ?


SANDY: Selon les paroles immortelles de Will Smith : ''Bienvenue à Miami. ''
SETH: ll y a trop de jeunes beaux et bronzés ici. Je n'aime pas ça.
SANDY: Allons à la réception. Qui veut dîner ?
RYAN: Moi.
SETH: ll est 16 h à Orange County. C'est le rythme des gens qui dînent tôt.


KIRSTEN: J'ai le week-end pour moi. Je pensais qu'on pourrait se mettre au boulot et avancer sur les prochains numéros.
CARTER: J'y repenserais, si j'étais toi. Je pensais que Newport Living ruinerait ma carrière, mais il l'a sauvée.
KIRSTEN: Tu as eu une autre offre d'emploi. C'est fantastique, Carter.
CARTER: Merci. Je m'en vais lundi.
KIRSTEN: Tu t'en vas où ?
CARTER: A New York. Le poste est là-bas.
KIRSTEN: Tu t'en vas.
CARTER: Oui. Mais mon éditeur me fera remplacer par quelqu'un de plus intelligent et plus compétent que moi. Alors. . . J'espère que tu ne crois pas que je quitte le navire.
KIRSTEN: C'est le cas. C'est vraiment génial.
CARTER: Dînons ensemble pour nous dire au revoir.
KIRSTEN: Oui, on devrait.
CARTER: Parfait. Je vais réserver aux Arches.
KIRSTEN: Ou tu pourrais venir à la maison demain. Je cuisinerai.


RYAN: Moi qui trouvais Newport sympa.
SANDY: lmpressionnant.
SETH: Oui. Pour les fans de soirées trépidantes. Allons donc voir Nana ce soir.
SANDY: Tu connais son programme. Mah-jong ce soir.
SETH: Quoi ?
SETH: Depuis quand ? ça chamboule tout mon programme.
SANDY: Relax, les gars. On a un week-end sans souci devant nous.


MARISSA: Oh, désolée.
TREY: Marissa. Quoi de neuf ? Ryan est parti à Miami ?
MARISSA: Oui. Je voulais te dire que pendant son absence, je suis là.
TREY: Sympa. Tu n'es pas obligée, si tu ne veux pas.
MARISSA: Non, je veux bien. Demain, on pourrait aller te chercher un travail.
TREY: Très bien. Je pensais que sans Ryan, je serais tout seul ici.
MARISSA: Non, je suis là pour toi. Alors, à demain.
TREY: J'ai hâte.
MARISSA: D'accord.
JESS: Toi et Marissa Cooper ? Et puis quoi encore ? Tu t'imagines des trucs.
TREY: Bien sûr.
JESS: Pas dans cette vie, ni dans cette ville.


HOMME: Regarde qui est là.
SETH: Comment va ?
HOMME: Terrible.
HOMME: Pire qu'avant.
SETH: Comment va ton ventre ?
HOMME: Encore des shpilkes ?
HOMME: Assieds-toi donc. Tu veux mon coussin chauffant ?
SETH: J'ai un peu mal au dos.
SANDY: Bon, maintenant je suis officiellement terrifié.
RYAN: ll n'a pas autant d'amis à l'école.
NANA: Alors, il y a des avions entre Orange County et Miami. Je ne savais pas. Je vous vois si peu.
SANDY: Maman. Tu es plus belle que jamais.
NANA: Je vais me marier.
SANDY: Tu te souviens de Ryan ?
NANA: Qui oublierait ces bras ? Si je n'étais pas fiancée. . . Voici mon petit-fils. Bonjour, bubeleh.
SETH: Bonjour, Nana.
NANA: Je veux que tu me racontes tout ce que tu as fait cette année.
SETH: Je me rappelle à peine ce que j'ai mangé hier soir.
HOMME: Pareil pour moi.
SETH: Moi aussi.
NANA: Tu veux parler ?
SANDY: Bien sûr. Garde l'œil sur lui. Assure-toi qu'il ne meure pas de vieillesse.
HOMME: C'est un milk-shake au Metamucil ?


NANA: Kirsten n'a pas pu venir ?
SANDY: Elle voulait.
NANA: Comment ca va entre vous ?
SANDY: Pour être honnête, il y a eu mieux.
NANA: Vous arrangerez ça.
SANDY: Depuis quand es-tu si romantique ?
NANA: C'est l'amour. A propos, j'ai des photos du lieu où se tiendra la cérémonie en juin. Vous devriez déjà réserver vos billets.
SANDY: En juin ! Pourquoi si vite ? Tu es enceinte ?
NANA: Oui, oui. Très drôle. Après l'année que j'ai passée, je ne veux pas perdre de temps. Et je veux déménager avant les tempêtes de l'été.
SANDY: Tu déménages ?
NANA: Bobby est mon cadet de 12 ans. C'est un peu vieux pour lui ici. Nous irons dans l'appartement que tu m'as acheté.
SANDY: ll est fait pour être occupé.
NANA: Bobby l'adore.
SANDY: Evidemment. Sur la plage, emplacement imbattable.
NANA: Je sais ce que tu penses, Sanford. Les Cohen sont cyniques.
SANDY: J'ai appris ça du maître.
NANA: Eh bien. . . Néanmoins, c'est un bon gars. ll peut travailler partout. 
SANDY: On a toujours besoin d'un bon chiropracteur.
NANA: Pas un mot de plus.
SANDY: Je suis impatient de le voir.
NANA: Très bien. Mange ton déjeuner.
SANDY: Oui, Maman.


ZACH: Oh, mon Dieu.
SUMMER: Désolée, Zach, ça va ? J'étais dans une phase colérique. Mon thérapeute a dit que la boxe m'aiderait.
ZACH: Comment vas-tu depuis l'autre soir ?
SUMMER: Je suis en tenue de gym et j'ai des nattes. Donc, je vais très mal. Cohen et moi faisons une pause. ll est allé à Miami pour s'amuser comme tous les ans quand on fait une pause.
ZACH: Tu es trop en colère pour sortir ? Ou venir dîner ?
SUMMER: Pardon, mais je n'ai pas envie de passer la soirée avec ta famille.
ZACH: Je comprends. lls sont à Aspen pour une conférence économique. Viens donc. Je cuisinerai. ltalien. Francesca m'a donné une recette géniale.


SETH: Crève. Assis. Désolé. Façon de parler. Le tour du vainqueur. Mes potes.
HOMME: Tu l'as plumé.
HOMME: Comme s'il allait payer, ce radin.
RYAN: Alors, Seth ? On y va ? J'ai faim.
HOMME: Je suis affamé aussi.
SETH: ll n'y a plus personne à battre, alors, allons dans la salle à manger. Je vous invite à déjeuner.
HOMME: Super. lmbattable.
FILLE: Je peux jouer aussi ? Mary Sue. Ravie de vous rencontrer. Voici ma grand-mère, Mary Ellen.
RYAN: En fait, on allait manger. N'est-ce pas ?
SETH: Tu as faim ?
MARY SUE: Une partie ?
SETH: Bien sûr. ça prendra une seconde. Rassemblez les palets, Monsieur.


MARISSA: Comment ca a marché ?
TREY: Mon rêve s'est réalisé. Nettoyeur de toilettes.
MARISSA: Tu l'as eu ?
TREY: Je commence demain.
MARISSA: C'est super.
TREY: Alors. . . ll faut fêter ça ce soir, d'accord ? Je préparerai des margaritas.
MARISSA: J'apporterai le guacamole.
TREY: Ce sera la fête. Je dois rester ici pour remplir des papiers, alors à ce soir.
MARISSA: D'accord.
TREY: Et merci à toi. Ma vie s'organise.
MARISSA: Je suis contente de pouvoir t'aider. A tout à l'heure, alors.


MARY SUE: Je pense que nous avons une nouvelle championne.
SETH: Elle m'a battu !
RYAN: Eh oui. Allons manger.
SETH: Non, je ne sombrerai pas comme ça. Ces gens me respectent comme un dieu.
MARY SUE: Tu veux encore perdre ?
SETH: Je veux rejouer, mais cette fois rendons le jeu intéressant. On parie ? De l'argent, quelque chose à manger ? Je pourrais traverser la salle de bingo tout nu ?
MRY SUE: En fait. . . J'ai besoin d'un partenaire.
RYAN: Un partenaire ? De quel genre ?
MARY SUE: Eh bien. . . Je vais faire un concours de danse.
SETH: Un concours ?
MARY SUE: Pour Music Video Nation. Pour le Spécial Vacances. La gagnante recevra 5 000 $. Ca m'aiderait pour mes prêts d'études.
SETH: ça a l'air très raisonnable, Mary Sue. Tout ce qu'elle aura, c'est une danse de la victoire.


GARS: Ca va tout le monde ? Ouais ! Je m'appelle Swerve. Je présente le Spécial Va. . . Va. . . Vacances sur MVN. En direct de South Beach.
FILLE: Salut, je m'appelle Pixie et je joue dans Sherman Oaks : The Real ValleY, J'espère que vous vous amusez bien.
HOMME: Le prochain spectacle va être super chouette et complètement dingue. Et voici ''Bring them out'' par mes potes du Sud : T.l. !


SETH: Qui aurait cru que je perdrais ?
RYAN: C'est ca.
MARY SUE: La tente d'accueil est là-bas. ll faut s'inscrire.
SETH: D'accord. C'est quel genre de danse ? Jazz, claquettes ?
MARY SUE: Ce n'est pas vraiment une danse.
SETH: Ah bon ?
RYAN: C'est de la crème chantilly.
SETH: Peut-être pour faire un gâteau.
MARY SUE: Je vais me couvrir de crème, tu la lècheras et tu prendras une cerise dans ma bouche avant les autres.
SETH: Elle a dit ''cerise'' ?
MARY SUE: Ce serait si bien pour ma grand-mère de ne plus avoir à se soucier de mes prêts. Elle dépense tant en médicaments.
SETH: C'est sa grand-mère.
RYAN: J'espère que Summer n'a pas payé sa facture de câble.


MARISSA: Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
RYAN: C'est une longue histoire. Tu peux me rendre un service ? Si tu vois Summer, empêche-la de regarder la télé.
MARISSA: En fait, j'allais partir chez Trey pour faire la fête. ll a trouvé un travail.
RYAN: Vraiment ? C'est fantastique.
FILLE: lls m'ont disqualifiée pour le concours du T-shirt mouillé. Mais n'ont-ils pas l'air vrai ?
MARISSA: ça, ce n'était pas Nana.
FILLE: Oh, mon Dieu, je vais vomir.
RYAN: En fait, je. . . préfèrerais être à la maison.
MARISSA: Moi aussi, j'aimerais bien. Fais attention à toi, d'accord ?
RYAN: Entendu.


SUMMER: Un vrai restaurant italien ici.
ZACH: Buongiorno, Summer.
SUMMER: Qu'est-ce que c'est les gonochis ?
ZACH: Je ne sais pas, je fais des gnocchis. Tu n'en a jamais mangés ?
SUMMER: Je n'ai jamais entendu ce nom. Comment tu prononces ?
ZACH: ça va me prendre un moment, alors je vais allumer la télé.
SUMMER: Le Spécial Vacances de MVN.
ZACH: J'exagère un peu sur le côté italien ?
SUMMER: Tu m'as charmée avec Buongiorno, Merci pour l'invitation. Je ne parlerai pas de Cohen.
ZACH: Cohen ou pas, je suis juste là pour les gnocchis.



NANA: Je voudrais tant qu'il te plaise.
SANDY: Moi aussi, Maman. Moi aussi.
NANA: Le voilà.
SANDY: Sandy Cohen. Enchanté.
BOBBY: Bobby Mills. J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de vous. Bonjour, chérie. C'est incroyable. Tu fais bien trop jeune pour avoir un fils de cet âge. Ne vous vexez pas.
SANDY: Pourquoi donc ?
NANA: Je dois aller faire pipi. Vous avez beaucoup de choses à vous dire. Surtout sur moi.
BOBBY: C'est une femme fantastique, votre mère. Quelle énergie ! Et quelle poigne !
SANDY: Depuis qu'elle vous connaît, elle s'est adoucie. Ma mère amoureuse. . . C'est inimaginable.
BOBBY: Elle est venue à mon cabinet, je lui ai soigné le dos, et on connaît la suite. 
SANDY: C'est si romantique. Je suis content qu'elle ait rencontré un gars bien. Un gars honnête.
BOBBY: Merci, Sandy.
SANDY: Merci à vous. Beaucoup de gars quand ils voient une femme âgée de santé fragile avec un appartement d'un million de dollars. . . On a tous vu 60 Minutes. 
BOBBY: Je suis plutôt un fan de Dateline, J'aime bien ce Stone Phillips. 
SANDY: Qui ne l'aime pas ? J'ai longtemps été avocat de l'assistance judiciaire et j'ai tendance à être méfiant. C'est un problème pour moi, de faire confiance à quelqu'un. J'essaie de m'améliorer. Mais je suis comme ça.
BOBBY: Vous pouvez me faire confiance.
SANDY: Evidemment. J'ai parlé à mes copains de la police, au FBl. lls ont dit : ''Vérifions les antécédents de ce type. '' Vous savez ce que j'ai dit ? J'ai dit : ''Non. '' Sophie Cohen est encore maligne. Si elle vous fait confiance, je vous fais confiance.
NANA: Bonnes nouvelles. ll y a du crabe frais.
SANDY: ll ne peut pas être meilleur que celui de Chez Joe. Bobby, vous aimez le crabe de Chez Joe ?
BOBBY: Oui, j'adore.


MARISSA: J'ai pensé que tu voudrais voir des films que tu as manqués.
TREY: Des margaritas et des films. Parfait. Qu'est-ce que tu as apporté ?
MARISSA: Le meilleur film qui existe. N'oublie Jamais,
TREY: J'aime les films où on se tire dessus et où des gens meurent.
MARISSA: James Garner ne va pas si bien.
TREY: Si c'est ton film préféré, d'accord. Un toast, à toi. Merci.
MARISSA: A moi ? C'est gentil.


CARTER: Salut. Je suis un peu en avance.
KIRSTEN: Pas de problème. Je viens juste de finir.
CARTER: Tu as fait tout ca ?
KIRSTEN: C'est fou ce que je fais, les jours de congé. 
CARTER: Qui aurait pensé ? 
KKIRSTEN: Veux-tu du vin ?


MARY SUE: Salut.
SETH: J'ai un peu réfléchi. Je ne suis pas sûr d'être bien pour ça.
MARY SUE: Tu me laisses tomber ?
SETH: Non, non. Ce n'est pas ça. C'est juste. . . la crème chantilly. Je ne supporte pas très bien le lactose.
MARY SUE: Si tu me laisses tomber, je ne peux pas gagner. Grand-mère ne pourra pas payer ses factures. J'abandonnerai mes études.
SETH: Je soutiens l'aide médicale et l'éducation. . . alors d'accord.
MARY SUE: Merci. Merci beaucoup.
SETH: De rien.
MARY SUE: ll est presque temps de se préparer.
SETH: D'accord. Qu'est-ce qu'on fait ?


RYAN: Je peux avoir une bouteille d'eau, s'il vous plaît ?
GARS: Comment ca va ?
RYAN: Bien et toi ?
GARS: Mal. J'ai perdu ma copine.
RYAN: Ah oui ? Dans la foule ?
GARS: Je l'ai perdue hier soir. Elle m'a dit qu'elle venait voir sa grand-mère, mais sa meilleure amie m'a dit qu'elle ferait un concours en montrant son corps pour de l'argent.
RYAN: C'est les vacances. Ca arrive.
GARS: Pas là d'où nous venons.
RYAN: C'est où ?
GARS: L'université Bob Jones. Si ça se sait, elle sera renvoyée. Ce qui importera peu quand elle brûlera en enfer.
RYAN: Oui, c'est dur.
GARS: Le pire, c'est que je crois qu'elle me trompe avec son partenaire de péché. C'est pourquoi j'ai amené mes potes.
RYAN: Des gars de ton foyer ?
GARS: Des potes du catéchisme. Ce sera le jour du Jugement Dernier pour celui qui la corrompt, et pour Mary Sue.
RYAN: Tu as dit Mary Sue ?


CARTER: C'est scandaleux. Je n'ai jamais fini une bouteille avant le dîner.
KIRSTEN: C'est mauvais signe de ne pas pouvoir ouvrir une autre bouteille ?
CARTER: ça signifie qu'on devrait arrêter de boire. Je plaisantais. Donne. Voilà.
KIRSTEN: ll faut vraiment qu'on mange.


NANA: On dirait que le Fontainebleau et moi vieillissons bien.
SANDY: Mais le Fontainebleau a été rénové.
NANA: Moi, je gagne à être naturelle. A propos, où est Bobby ? ll devrait être arrivé.
SANDY: ll n'a pas dit qu'il passait à son bureau ? C'est loin d'ici ?
NANA: Pas trop. J'espère que tout va bien.
SANDY: Maman avec un téléphone portable !
NANA: Je suis branchée.
SANDY: Je vois ca.
NANA: Mais je ne peux pas lire les touches.
SANDY: Laisse-moi voir.
NANA: Bobby, où es-tu ? On t'attend. Quoi ? Un procès pour erreur médicale ? C'est terrible, chéri. Viens ici pour qu'on en parle. L'aéroport ? Où vas-tu ? Quand penses-tu que cela se dissipera ? Je vois. Bobby ne se joindra pas à nous.
SANDY: Juste comme ca ?
NANA: Que lui as-tu dit ? 


MARISSA: Oh là là ! Tu es trop fort. J'ai perdu au moins 10 fois de suite.
TREY: J'étais le champion de Chino pour boire.
MARISSA: Et moi la championne de Newport, mais tu fais partie d'un groupe spécial parce que je suis. . .
TREY: On devrait peut-être regarder ce film.
MARISSA: On devrait peut-être prendre l'air. Je ne veux pas m'endormir pendant le film. ll est. . . très bien.
TREY: Oui, bien sûr. Allons-y.
MARISSA: Oui, j'ai vraiment besoin de prendre l'air.
TREY: Tu sais quoi ? J'arrive tout de suite. Je dois prendre ma veste.
MARISSA: D'accord.


GARS: Le concours suivant est sexy, vous tous. C'est fou ! C'est complètement dingue ! Allez !
FILLE: Qui aime la crème chantilly ? Voyons lequel de ces 4 gars est vraiment crémeux. On applaudit bien fort !
GARS: lls arrivent. Allez, qui a la chantilly ? Peignez-moi ce corps ! Peignez-moi ce corps !
GARCON: La voilà. Allons la jeter dans les tourments de l'enfer avec ce pécheur maigrichon.
GARS: Allez ! Le gagnant recevra 5 000 $. Des sundaes sexy ! Allez-y ! Allez, vous tous ! Léchez la crème ! Ouais !


SUMMER: J'adore les gnocchis. C'est comme des quenelles italiennes.
ZACH: Tu en veux encore ? J'en ai fait plein.
SUMMER: C'est ce concours avec la chantilly. C'est dégoûtant. Quelle fille accepterait de faire ça ? Et quel gars serait assez pitoyable pour s'humilier à la télé ?
PRESENTATEUR: Léchez la crème !
ZACH: J'espère qu'il y a assez de sauce. J'en ai fait tout plein, alors. . . On dirait que tu as aimé les gnocchis.


PRESENTATEUR: Nous avons un gagnant !
SETH: Ryan, on a gagné !
RYAN: Oui, filons !
SETH: Quoi ?
MARY SUE: On dirait mon petit ami.
SETH: Ton quoi ?
PRESENTATEUR: Les concurrents seulement !
SETH: Qui sont ces gars ?
RYAN: lls font des études bibliques.
SETH: lls montreront l'autre joue ?
GARS: Prépare-toi au trépas !
SETH: On dirait que non.


SANDY: Je suis désolé, Maman. C'était pour ton bien.
NANA: Je sais. Je crois qu'une partie de moi le savait. Je suppose que c'est pour ça que je voulais que tu viennes. Je voulais juste croire que je n'allais pas passer le reste de ma vie seule.
SANDY: Je peux rester encore, passer plus de temps ici.
NANA: S'il te plaît, chéri. Tu as quelqu'un que tu aimes chez toi. Tu devrais être avec elle. Mais ce serait gentil de rendre visite à ta vieille mère plus souvent.
SANDY: D'accord.


CARTER: C'est le meilleur repas que j'aie jamais mangé.
KIRSTEN: Je suis contente que tu aies aimé. Je le dirai au chef.
CARTER: Je croyais le dire au chef.
KIRSTEN: Bon, je confesse.
KIRSTEN: Le traiteur a préparé le repas. Je suis la pire cuisinièredu monde. Oui.
CARTER: Bon, d'accord. Tu t'es donnée tout ce mal. Pourquoi te dénoncer maintenant ?
KIRSTEN: C'est peut-être le vin. Je crois que c'est parce que je ne peux pas te mentir.
CARTER: Je connais ce sentiment. Puisque nous sommes honnêtes l'un avec l'autre. . . J'ai failli refuser ce nouveau travail formidable. Je ne voulais pas partir.
KIRSTEN: C'est bien. Au début, tu détestais Newport.
CARTER: Ce n'est pas Newport que je ne voulais pas quitter.
KIRSTEN: Bonne chance pour ton nouveau travail, Carter.
CARTER: Au revoir, Kirsten.


TREY: Comment ca va ?
MARISSA: Mieux, merci.
TREY: Oui, pourquoi ça n'irait pas ? Quelle nuit ! Regarde cet endroit.
MARISSA: Oui, c'est magnifique.
TREY: C'est formidable. J'ai un travail. Un appart sympa. De bons amis. Allez, hurle avec moi. Allez ! C'était nul.
MARISSA: Je ne suis pas douée.
TREY: Ah non ? ll faut te réveiller ! Quand je suis avec toi, je sens que je peux tout faire. Je n'ai jamais ressenti ça avant.
MARISSA: C'est gentil.
TREY: Tu sais. . . on n'est pas si différents, toi et moi.
MARISSA: Je pense qu'il est temps de partir.
TREY: Attends, où vas-tu ?
MARISSA: Trey, qu'est-ce que tu. . .
TREY: Voyons. . . J'ai vu comment tu me regardes. Personne n'a été si gentil avec moi.
MARISSA: Tu es le frère de Ryan.
TREY: C'est plus que ça. Je comprends. Tu ne veux pas lui faire de mal. Mais il n'a pas besoin de le savoir.
MARISSA: Trey, non, sûrement pas.
TREY: Quoi ? Je ne suis pas assez bien ?
MARISSA: Ce n'est pas ça.
TREY: Alors, quoi ? Pourquoi tout serait toujours bien seulement pour Ryan ? Lâche-moi ! Allez, une seule nuit. Personne ne le saura.
MARISSA: Lâche-moi ! S'il te plaît, non ! 
TREY: Crétin, regarde ce que tu as fait !


SETH: Ces gars croient vraiment à la loi du talion. Tu as faim ?
RYAN: Non, merci.
SETH: On ne peut même pas raconter ça.
RYAN: Personne ne nous croirait.
SETH: Je ferais mieux de ne rien dire à Summer.
RYAN: Tu sais quoi ? Je vais appeler Marissa. Voir comment elle et Trey vont.
SETH: Bien. Je retourne à la chambre pour me laver. Bonne nuit.

Seth: (frowns) I don’t believe it Ryan, Bright Eyes has two albums in the top ten

Ryan: you ok with that

Seth: yeah I jus feel like the rest of the worlds finally caught up to me (frowns) it’s a little bit scary

Ryan: yeah its alot scary

Seth: (looks at Ryan, vulnerable) tell me I'm still special

(Ryan continues making his breakfast. the phone rings and Seth answers it)

Seth: hello

(we see an older lady with her back to the camera, she turns around as she speaks and we can see that it’s "The Nana" aka Sophie Cohen)

Sophie: Setheleh (smiles)

Seth: Nanaleh (smiles) how you feeling

Sophie: oh if you were all that interested you would'a called me, an would it kill ya to cash that birthday cheque I sent ya (off screen) I’m finished sending ya things

Seth: (listens) ok, I’m sorry, I forgot

Sophie: make my life very difficult

Seth: no I’m sure that twenty dollars outstanding has the bank jus goin crazy

Sophie: yeah, smart ass, where’s your father

(we see Kirsten walk into the kitchen)

Seth: (looks around) I don’t know where-

Kirsten: who is it Seth

Seth: actually my mom jus (Sophie takes the phone away from her ear, and doesn’t look keen) came in if you wanna talk to her (to Kirsten softly) it’s The Nana

(Kirsten looks at Seth and mouths "no" while shaking her finger. Seth looks at Kirsten as if to say 'what do you want me to do'. Sandy walks into the kitchen)

Seth: (into the phone) hellooo my dad jus showed up, awkward family moment avoided for...everyone but me, love you

Sophie: yeah, you could'a fooled me

Seth: (whispers) its The Nana (hands Sandy the phone)

Sandy: oh (into the phone, loudly) Ma (smiles) hey, how are ya (leaves the room)

Seth: (frowns) why'does he always get so much louder when he talks to her

Kirsten: there a family of screamers (we can hear Sandy still talking in the background)

Ryan: how’s the grandma feelin

Seth: (looks at Ryan) The Nana (points) Ryan please, grandma evokes home made cookies an knitting an someone who’s actually nice to you

Kirsten: The Nana (shakes her head) definitely not nice to you, or me (smiles) but she’s doing great (looks at Ryan) full remission (Ryan nods)

Seth: which confirms my suspicion (points) that she is in fact immortal

(Sandy comes back in, still on the phone)

Sandy: what so soon...oh my god Ma (Kirsten looks at him) eh- let me call ya back (Seth looks at him) (hangs up)

Kirsten: what happened

Seth: is everything alright

Sandy: ...The Nana...headed for the altar (Seth smiles, suprised)

Kirsten: (almost laughing) she’s getting married

Sandy: pack your bags we're goin'a Miami (Sandy leaves the room, Ryan frowns)

Seth: alright, shuffle board mahjong, dinner four (points) its gonna be the best spring break ever

Theme song - California by Phantom Planet

Pool house - Seth opens the door and walks in

Seth: (almost Jamaican accent) hey man

(Ryan is sitting on the edge of his bed, putting his shoes on)

Seth: now I know you think your excited about Miami, but I cannot wait (Ryan puts his head back then stands) for you to meet the guys at Nanas condo, we got Abe, we got Stu, we got Stanley (thinks) although I think Stanley may have...passed on, he had a prostate thing, I hope-

Ryan: ah-huh (raises the blind) I can’t go

Seth: what (looks at Ryan) why not

Ryan: cause (shrugs) you know everything with me an Marissa (raises another blind)

Seth: is awesome

Ryan: fine ok, but you know, there’s Trey

Seth: who’s also doing awesome (points) Ryan (shakes his head) face it you got not excuses (Ryan looks at him before raising another blind) everything’s great you deserve a vacation (points to himself) we actually deserve a vacation Ryan, an it would mean alot to my dad

Ryan: (looks at Seth) yeah, yeah he is kinda worked up

Seth: he’s gonna need some company

Ryan: well, he’s got you (hits Seth on the side of the arm)

Seth: I can’t man my schedules all booked up (Ryan listens while he raises another blind) I got pinochle with the ladies on Saturday (Ryan looks at him, raises his eyebrows) bridge Sunday with the fellas (Ryan nods) still gotta call an see if I can get on that bingo cruise, that’s gonna be freakin awesome

Ryan: (looks at Seth) what about you an Summer

Seth: I’m gonna go over there (folds his arms) I’m gonna apologise, extremely sincerely...an then I’m gonna get outta town before I can do anything else wrong (Ryan looks at him) what'do you say (softly) Miami (a little louder) Miami (questioning tone) Miami (confident tone) Miami Miami (Ryan looks as though he’s caving) Miami (smiles) Miami (makes like a sun with his hands then folds his arms again)

Ryan: (slight nod, smiles) Miami

Seth: (smiles) Mi-ami (claps)

CUT TO: Cohen bedroom - Sandy is on the laptop looking panicked and Kirsten walks in

Sandy: honey (turns around, Kirsten walks over) d'you have my American Advantage number I’m on AA dot com an I'm-I'm tryin'a use my (Kirsten puts her hand on his shoulder, listening) miles to upgrade, you know me I-I I hate sittin in the middle

Kirsten: oh it’s in my purse (walks towards the bed) but what’s the rush sweetie, it’s not like she’s getting married tomorrow

Sandy: well I know its just I love my mother...but who else would

Kirsten: (looks at Sandy) that’s terrible

Sandy: you wouldn’t say the same thing about your dad

Kirsten: (smiles) you make a good point

Sandy: you know its jus she was so happy on the phone (Kirsten walks back over with what Sandy wanted) I jus wanna make sure everything works out for her, great, you know especially after the year she’s had

Kirsten: (leaning over and looking admiringly at Sandy) you...are a good son

Sandy: (raises eyebrows) oh yeah, how bout husband

Kirsten: (smiles) definitely top five (kisses Sandy’s head)

CUT TO: Treys apartment - Trey comes out of the bedroom on the phone, looking sleepy

Trey: Miami huh (off screen) well have a hell of a time man

(we see Ryan drop some clothes on top of a bag, then the camera pans up to show he’s on the phone)

Ryan: (sighs) thanks, you'll be alright

Trey: don’t worry mom ill be fine (sits, we hear a knock at the door) uhh yo Ry look I gotta jump, I probably the land lord complainin about somethin (stands to go to the door) yeah...alright have fun, see ya (hangs up the phone and opens the door, we cant see who’s at the door yet) (stares) definitely not the land lord

(we then see Jess standing there in a bikini top)

Jess: (looks at Trey) hey you

(Trey moves aside so Jess can go in. he reaches his hand over her head to shut the door)

Jess: so (Trey raises his eyebrow) I jus wanted to come by to say thanks again (puts her head on the side) for not selling me out, have you met Don Julio (raises eyebrows and holds up a bottle with a red bow on it)

Trey: (laughs) yeah me an uh (takes the bottle) Don go way back...thanks for the gift

Jess: oh that’s not the gift (motions with her head then walks away) I figure (Trey looks at her) guys ben in prison for eighteen months (looks at Trey over her shoulder) probably got pretty lonely

(Jess puts her hands on both ties that are her holding her bikini top on, one near her neck and the other on her back. the camera shot changes and all we can see are Jess' feet, then the bikini top falls and lands next to them. camera changes again and we see Jess' bare back and a small sexy smile from her before she continues walking up the hallway)

Trey: you have no idea

(Trey follows Jess then the camera shot changes again. we are level with the floor and we see Jess' feet almost at the bedroom door, and her bikini top is out of focus in the foreground)

CUT TO: Summers bedroom - we see a black and white punching bag being punched by 2 white gloves, the camera gradually turns to show that Summer is the one doing the boxing/punching, and she is very aggressive and focused. we can also hear the start of the song 'eye of the tiger'. Seth opens Summers door and sees her boxing

Seth: hey Summer (Summer looks at him) busy

(Summer spits her mouth guard out onto the floor {gross btw}

Summer: (frowns) what'do you want Cohen

Seth: (walks in) ta...talk (turns off the song)

Summer: (punches) yeah (motions) hold my bag

Seth: (behind the bag) anything for my million dollar baby

(Summer punches the bag, unimpressed. Seth flinches {lol)

Seth: um so look (looks at Summer) I jus came to apologise

Summer: (looks at Seth) why (punch) because I was (punch) (clenches her teeth) humiliated in front of all of your (punch) oh so hip super dorked out (mocking tone) indie music loving comic book geeks (raises eyebrows, punch) who looked at me like I was some (looks at Seth) dim wit Orange County (punch) ho

Seth: uh yeah (nods) (Summer glares at him) but that was never my intention, ok (sincerely) I really only wanted you there to be apart of everything with me

Summer: look there’s no point in you apologising because (matter of factly) you can no longer make me upset

Seth: your just (shrugs) immune ta my charms (raises eyebrows)

Summer: working on it (knocks her gloves together trying to look tough) (softens) but you know what I could use...a time out (looks at Seth)

Seth: (looks shocked) oh...ok, well you know good that actually (Summer looks down) cause that’s good timing cause I’m headed to Miami ta...see The Nana so

Summer: well perfect (looks at Seth) yeah go to Miami, get wasted an wind up on music video nations spring break special

Seth: it’s actually nothing like that, the only thing I’m gonna be drinkin is metamucil

Summer: oh yeah, like I’m gonna believe that (Seth looks at her) look jus go, go sew your oats (shrugs) get all of your Cohen-y Cohen-ish Cohen-isms out of your system (grins)

Seth: an when I get back

Summer: (closes her eyes then looks at Seth) we'll see

(Seth leaves the room and we hear the door shut. Summer screws her face up and punches the bag, hard)

CUT TO: Marissa’s bedroom - Ryan opens the door and walks in. Marissa is over near the end of her bed, she turns around and sees him

Marissa: (smiles) hi

Ryan: wow (shuts the door) hey (smiles)

(Marissa and Ryan move closer to each other, Marissa puts her hands around Ryan’s neck)

Marissa: so just imagine (they kiss)

Ryan: mm

Marissa: a whole weekend (kissing) of nothing (kissing) but this

Ryan: (pulls away) if you can jus hold that thought till like next weekend

Marissa: (pushes Ryan onto the bed) why (leans against the bed post) you going somewhere (smiles)

Ryan: uh...yeah actually (looks at Marissa) Miami

Marissa: oh...South Beach for a little spring break action (shrugs) (raises eyebrows) meet some college girls

Ryan: not quite I’m uh goin with Seth and Sandy to see The Nana

Marissa: oooooh that’s really sweet, that'll be fun (gets on the bed next to Ryan)

Ryan: yeah no it will be its jus (frowns, turns to face Marissa) I don’t know I feel kinda weird leaving Trey here by himself

Marissa: I can hang out with him

Ryan: yeah, really cause I was kinda gonna help him find a job (raises eyebrows, hopeful)

Marissa: (laughs) I got it covered

Ryan: (smiles) thanks I owe you (kisses Marissa)

Marissa: mm, yes, you do, you do owe me (moves on top of Ryan) a whole weekend (smiles) of nothing (kisses Ryan) but this (more kissing)

(after a few seconds Ryan moves himself so Marissa is lying on the bed, and he’s on top of her, still making out)

Ryan: (stops and looks at Marissa) that I can do (they continue kissing)

CUT TO: Cohen house - Sandy and Kirsten come out of the bedroom and make their way to the front door. Sandy is holding his bag for Miami

Sandy: (worried) alright now you got all the numbers, my cell phone, the Fontainebleau {sounds like fountainblue} (Kirsten smiles) The Nana

Kirsten: (looks at Sandy) I got the numbers

Sandy: (looks at Kirsten) you remember how to set the-the alarm to no delay

Kirsten: (nods) mm-hmm

Sandy: an if the alarm goes off the code word is

Kirsten: grease lightening, I got it!

Sandy: d-do you need any cash

Kirsten: I have plenty of money

Sandy: (thinks) I gassed up your car

Kirsten: (humouring Sandy) which I so appreciate

Sandy: are you gonna be fine

Kirsten: ill be fine

Sandy: I love you (kisses Kirsten)

Kirsten: mm (frowns) the question is, are you gonna be ok (folds her arms)

Sandy: oh yeah

(we now see Ryan and Seth outside with the cab. Ryan opens the boot and he and Seth put their bags in. Sandy and Kirsten come out of the front door)

Sandy: (calls) fellas, you got everything

Seth: (thinks) uh I got my cardigan, my orthopedic shoes an my humidifier, now take me to my people (puts his hands out and hugs Kirsten)

Kirsten: (pats Seth’s back) bye

Seth: bye (goes to the cab)

Kirsten: (to Ryan) bye (hugs Ryan and pats his back)

Ryan: bye bye (goes to the cab)

(Kirsten and Sandy are now facing each other. Sandy kisses Kirsten on the cheek, Kirsten kisses Sandy on the cheek. we hear the engine start up on the cab. Kirsten takes a deep breath, and Sandy gets in the cab. we see the cab drive off and Kirsten watches for a second - the next thing we see is Kirsten coming back in the front door, into an empty, quiet house. she looks a little lost/lonely. she looks over at the phone and picks it up, she dials a number and puts the phone to her ear)

Kirsten: is Carter in the office

CUT TO: Miami - we see a shot of the plane taking off, but the camera is positioned so that we see the underside of the plane as it moves towards the top of screen. {it’s the opposite of an aerial shot, whatever that is called! lol} we then see a big wall thing with MIMI BEACH in gold letters, underneath that is a thermometer of some sort. the needle is sitting at 85. this fades to a beautiful shot of the coast. ocean on the left and the beach on the right. this then changes to a black car driving passed. the car stops outside of a building that has Fontainebleau displayed in big silver letters. Sandy is sitting in the front and Ryan and Seth are in the back seat. Ryan and Seth get out

Ryan: whoa

Sandy: (gets out) in the immortal words'a Will Smith, thankyou (takes something from a worker) welcome to Miami (Ryan slightly smiles)

Seth: (frowns) theres too many...young tan healthy people here uh I don’t like it

Sandy: well let’s check in anyway, hey who wants some dinner

Ryan: yeah

Seth: (points) its four pm in Orange County, they put us on the early bird circuit

CUT TO: The Newport Group - Carter is reading a magazine in Kirsten’s office and Kirsten walks in, enthusiastically

Kirsten: hey

Carter: hey (puts the magazine down)

Kirsten: I have the weekend ta myself (puts briefcase down on the desk) I thought we could, roll up our sleeves really dig in an maybe even get (looks at Carter) a few issues ahead

Carter: well id...hold onta that thought if I were you (Kirsten listens) turns out Newport Living which I thought would be the last nail in the coffin that is my career is actually (raises eyebrows) the thing that saved it

Kirsten: (turns and looks at Carter, impressed) you got another job offer (Carter sighs) well Carter that’s...great (smiles)

Carter: thanks

(Kirsten turns so her back is facing Carter, and her smile goes)

Carter: yeah so I-I fly out on Monday

Kirsten: (turns around, shocked) fly out where

Carter: New York, that’s where the job is an there...relocating me

Kirsten: (sinks in) you’re leaving (raises eyebrows)

Carter: I am (raises eyebrows) (Kirsten turns away again) but my publisher (moves closer to Kirsten) is uh lining up someone to replace me, you know someone who is smarter an better at this then I am, so (sighs) I hope you don’t...think I’m jumping ship

Kirsten: (turns around) because you are

(Carter and Kirsten both smile)

Kirsten: it’s really...great (nods)

(Carters smile fades, as does Kirsten’s. they look at each other for a second and Carter puts his arms out for a hug. Kirsten doesn’t hold Carter very tight with her hands, but she closes her eyes and that says it all)

Carter: I was thinking we could have (Kirsten opens her eyes) a farewell dinner

Kirsten: (pulls away) you know what, we should

Carter: great, ill make a reservation at Arches

Kirsten: or you could come...by the house tomorrow (smiles) ill cook (laughs)

CUT TO: Miami outside at night - Ryan, Sandy and Seth are walking, and there are fluorescent signs around them

Ryan: man, I thought Newport was nice whoo

Sandy: this is somethin huh

Seth: yeah...if you’re a fan of the...vibrant night life, hey why can’t we go see The Nana tonight

Sandy: well you know The Nana an her schedule, Friday nights mahjong

Seth: (suprised) what

Sandy: yeah (nods)

Seth: since when is Friday night mahjong, that totally throws off my schedule

Sandy: breathe it in boys, we got a weekend away with nothin to worry about (Ryan looks at him)

CUT TO: Treys apartment - Marissa walks up and rings the doorbell then waits. Trey answers the door shirtless, and with what looks like only a blanket or towel wrapped around his lower half

Marissa: (suprised) oh, hey, sorry

Trey: Marissa what-what’s up, Ryan took off for Miami huh

Marissa: yeah uh so I jus wanted you ta know that while he’s gone (shrugs) I’m here

Trey: cool (smiles) uh (Marissa smiles) you know you don’t have to if you don’t want to

Marissa: no, I want to...an you know I thought maybe tomorrow we could go job hunting

Trey: that...sounds great (nods) i thought with Ryan gone I was gonna be all alone in Newport

Marissa: no, not on my watch, so ill see you (shrugs) tomorrow

Trey: cant wait

(Marissa walks over to her car. Trey goes back inside and shuts the door. he walks over to the curtains and looks out at Marissa. Marissa waves and smiles at Trey from the car. Trey puts his hand up to Marissa and does a small wave back. Jess walks up behind Trey. we see Marissa start to reverse out)

Jess: you an Marissa Cooper (Trey looks at her, then back out the window) yeah right (walks over to the couch)

Trey: (still looking out the window) it’s not like that

Jess: (sits on the couch) sure isn’t (almost laughing) not in this life time...or this town (snorts a line of coke that is laid out on the coffee table)

(we then see Marissa driving down the road. Trey watches then pulls the curtain back across)

CUT TO: Miami - in this scene we see different shots of Miami as full shots, then they shrink down to a medium size square until there are four different squares filling the screen. the first is a tanned girl sun baking the second is a bunch of flamingos, a baseball player throwing a ball and finally a close up of several tanned legs and hands sun baking. these 4 squares split to reveal 2 bikini clad women rollerblading - now we are outside at the place where The Nana lives. there are 3 old men sitting at a table together. {these names may be wrong because Seth doesn’t actually refer to any one of them by name so this is just a guess}

Abe: your move (points to Stanley)

Stu: (taps Abe) you playin with him (points)

Abe: yeah I’m playin with him

Stu: I thought you were playin with me (points to himself)

Abe: I’m playin with him (points at Stanley)

Stu: no I-I jus I jus moved

(Seth, Sandy and Ryan walk up)

Seth: now we're talking (puts on thick black glasses) (old guy voice) Abe, Stu, Stanley

Stu: hey, look who’s here

Seth: how are ya

Abe: terrible

Stu: worse, worse

Stanley: how’s your nervous stomach, you still got spilkas

Stu: why don’t you have a seat

Seth: (sits) ahhhhh

Stanley: you need my heating pad

Seth: backs a little sore, backs a little sore

(Sandy and Ryan are watching, fascinated)

Sandy: alright, now I’m officially terrified

Ryan: he-he doesn’t have this many friends at school (points)

(the camera pans and shows Sophie standing near by)

Sophie: so they do fly airplanes from Orange County to Miami, I wouldn’t know I see so little of you

Sandy: Ma (kisses Sophie then they hug) ahhh you look better then ever

Sophie: (smiles) yeah (raises eyebrows) getting married

Sandy: (nods) you remember Ryan (points)

Sophie: course who would forget with those arms (Ryan smiles) (hugs Ryan) you know if I weren’t engaged, oooh (Ryan laughs) ah there’s my grandson (walks over to Seth) hello boobeleh

Seth: (stands) helloo Nana

Sophie: (kisses Seth’s cheek) mwa (hugs Seth) I want you to tell me everything (looks at Seth) that’s gone on for you this whole last year

Seth: ooooh (laughs) I can barely remember what I had for dinner last night, please

at the same time:

Stanley: welcome to the club

Abe: me too

(Seth goes and sits back down with the 'guys' Sophie walks back over to Sandy and Ryan)

Sophie: you wanna talk

Sandy: sure I do (to Ryan) you keep an eye on him make sure he doesn’t die of old age, huh

(Sandy and Sophie walk off together. Ryan watches Seth)

Seth: (points to a cup) is this metamucil malted

CUT TO: The Nanas house? - Sophie takes her lunch over to the table, where Sandy is sitting with his lunch

Sophie: Kirsten couldn’t make it

Sandy: well, she wanted to

Sophie: ah-huh, so how are things with you two (sits)

Sandy: ...ta be honest, they've ben better

Sophie: (looks at Sandy and touches his hand) you two will work it out (raises eyebrows)

Sandy: wow, since when did you become such a romantic

Sophie: falling in love will do that to you (Sandy looks at her) speaking of which (stands) I have photos from the place where we're holding the ceremony (picks up the photos) in June so you should book your tickets now

Sandy: whoa June what’s the rush, pregnant

Sophie: (fake laughs) very funny, listen you go through a year like I did, you don’t wanna waste any time...besides, I wanna move before the summer storms hit

Sandy: (suprised) you’re moving

Sophie: (nods) yeah, Bobby is twelve years my junior this place skews a little old for him, we're gonna move ta the condo you bought me in Sarasota

Sandy: well finally, it was meant ta be lived in

Sophie: Bobby flipped when he saw it

Sandy: beach front, unbeatable location why wouldn’t he (looks at Sophie)

Sophie: ...I know what you’re thinking Sanford...an cynicism is a Cohen family trait

Sandy: yeah, well I learned from the master

Sophie: yeah well...none the less, he’s a good guy, an he can move his practice anywhere, everybody always needs a good chiropractor (Sandy looks at her, worried) not another word (points)

Sandy: (looks down) I can’t wait to meet him

Sophie: very good, eat your lunch

Sandy: yes Ma

CUT TO: Summers bedroom - Summer is punching her punching bag again, very focused on what she’s doing. we can hear eye of the tiger softly this time because she is listening to it through earphones. Summer is punching the bag with her back facing the door. Zach walks in and sees her

Zach: (smiles) Summer

(Summer continues punching, she doesn’t realise Zach is there)

Zach: (shuts the door) hey (touches Summers shoulder) Summer

(Summer hits the punching bag twice then turns around and punches Zach right in the face. Zach knocks into the wall)

Zach: ooooooh

Summer: (kneels down, muffled scream) mmm (spits the mouth guard out on the floor {again, gross!} (sucks saliva back) oh god (takes out the earphones) Zach I’m so sorry (wipes her mouth with her arm) are you ok (Zach holds his jaw) I was in a rage black out my therapist told me that boxing might help me work through it

Zach: (frowns, still holding his jaw) I came over to see uh if you were ok after the other night

Summer: I’m in gym clothes an my hair is in French braids (points) so I’m terrible (sighs) Cohen an I are on time out

Zach: (lets go of his jaw) oh

Summer: he went off to Miami to I’m sure party it up like he always does this time'a year when we're on a time out

Zach: well are you to full'a rage ta hang out...maybe come over for dinner

Summer: (closes her eyes) no offence Zach but hanging with your family (opens her eyes, shakes her head) couldn’t sound worse

Zach: oh no I totally understand, um, there in Aspen for an economics conference (smiles)

Summer: (relieved) ah

Zach: come on, ill cook, Italian (smiles) Francesca gave me a great recipe (Summer smiles at him)

CUT TO: Miami - Seth is playing shuffle board with an old guy, and he’s beating him. the old guy pushes his piece {or whatever it is you do in this game,lol} his black piece thingy knocks Seths yellow one into square 7 while his piece lands completely outside of the triangle

Seth: oooooh, choke (points) si'down

(we see that the old guy he just told to 'si'down' is in a wheelchair!)

Seth: sorry figure'a speech (slightly feminine tone) victory lap (runs off with his shuffleboard stick)

(the guy in the wheel chair leaves. Seth runs passed the spectator’s proudly high fiving each one)

Seth: my people (throws his hands in the air)

Stanley: you cleaned his clock (points) (Seth nods)

Stu: not that he'll pay up, that cheap bastard

(Ryan comes over {he's looking pretty hot in his wife beater!})

Ryan: hey Seth what'do you say, y-you ready to roll (points to himself) cause I’m really hungry

Stu: hey, I’m famished too

Seth: doesn’t seem like there’s anybody left to beat so why don’t we go inta the dining hall, we're gonna have lunch (points to himself) my treat

(Abe Stu and Stanley cheer and shake Seth and Ryan’s hands. a girl and her grandma are standing a little behind them)

Mary Sue: can I get in on the action

(Seth and Ryan look over)

Mary Sue: (walks over) Mary Sue (smiles) nice to meet you (points) this is my grandma Mary Ellen

at the same time:

Seth: hello

Ryan: hello (they both wave, grandma waves back)

Ryan: uh (looks at Seth) actually we were gonna go eat uh right

Seth: yeah well your here, you like food?

Mary Sue: (puts up a finger) one round

Seth: (nods) sure, sure should jus take a second, ok (points with his stick) rack them sir

CUT TO: The Bait Shop - Marissa is inside walking around, she appears to be waiting for someone. she breathes out and then we hear a door open in the background. Trey comes out of a door and Marissa turns around

Marissa: hey, how'd it go

Trey: (holds his arms out) my dreams come true (holds up a Bait Shop shirt) I’m cleaning toilets

Marissa: y-you got it

Trey: I start tomorrow

Marissa: oh that’s great (hugs Trey)

(Trey looks thrown but happy by the hug. Marissa smiles at him)

Trey: uh so we uh we gotta celebrate, tonight ok (Marissa shrugs) I will make margaritas

Marissa: um ill bring the guacamole

Trey: sounds like a...party (Marissa smiles, shrugs) but uh I gotta stay here fill out some paper work so...ill see you tonight uh

Marissa: ok (shrugs, smiles)

Trey: an hey thanks...feel like my life’s comin together

Marissa: hey I’m happy to help, so uh ill see you later (nods)

(Marissa leaves and Trey watches her go)

CUT TO: Miami - Mary Sue does her shuffle board move thingy and her yellow piece knocks Seth’s black piece out the spot marked 7. Ryan is standing there watching, and sipping his drink. Seth watches in disbelief. Mary Sue jumps up and down, excited. the guy in the wheel chair also puts his fist in the air, happy that Seth was beaten

Mary Sue: (dances then stops) I do believe we have a new shuffle board champion (hugs her grandma)

Seth: (stunned) cant believe she beat me

Ryan: I can, can we eat now

Seth: absolutely not (looks at Ryan) I wont go down like that (Ryan looks away) these people look up to me, I’m like a god to them

Mary Sue: you uh wanna lose again

Seth: I wanna play again (points with his stick) only this time why don’t we make it interesting (puts his hands out) little wager (Mary Sue looks at him) you wanna do money, you wanna do food...you want me to streak naked through the bingo hall

Mary Sue: actually uh...I do need a partner

Seth: a partner

Ryan: (walks over) uh what kind of partner

Mary Sue: well see besides being down here to visit my grandma (smiles) I entered into a dance contest

Seth: (takes off his glasses, frowns) a dance contest

Mary Sue: for music video nation, for their (thinks) big - spring - break - special, an the winner gets five thousand dollars which...would really help with my college loans

Seth: (nods) well that sounds very reasonable Mary Sue (puts on his glasses then whispers to Ryan) only move she’s gettin outta me is a victory dance

(Seth walks away and Ryan looks over his shoulder and watches him out of the corner of his eye)

CUT TO: MVN's Sprung Break - Swerve is on the stage with a microphone, and a girl from Sherman Oaks: The Real Valley

Swerve: (yells) what up, what up, what up (the crowd cheers) yeah (more cheers) my names Swerve, the host of MVN sp- sp- sprung break comin at'choo live from South Beach (puts his hand up)

(we see a shot of the crowd going wild)

Pixie: hi I’m Pixie one'a the stars of Sherman Oaks the real Valley

Swerve: woooo (more cheers, screaming) a'ight a'ight I hope ya'll pumped up cause this next performers gonna be off the chain, an totally bananas oh bananas oh bananas, bring - em - out for my dawg from the dirty south....T I

(on the platform we see a huge sign that reads SPRING BREAK in big white letters with black edging. underneath that in yellow is SOUTH BEACH. T.I walks out under the sign and starts performing. we see different shots of the crowd going wild, Swerve and Pixie getting into it etc. after a little while we see Seth, Mary Sue and Ryan making their way through the crowd)

Seth: I don’t know man?, I've never played anyone under eighty five before

Ryan: right

Mary Sue: um I think the registration tables over there (points) we need to sign in

Seth: ok so what kinda dancin are we talkin about here, a little jazz step a little soft shoe

Mary Sue: (stops) actually it’s not quite a dance contest

Seth: (looks at Mary Sue) it isn’t

Mary Sue: no (holds up a can of whipped cream and smiles then laughs)

Ryan: (to Seth) she’s got whipped cream Seth

Seth: yeah I know (points) maybe she’s bakin a cake

Mary Sue: see I’m gonna cover myself in whipped cream (motions) an your gonna lick it all off (points to Seth) an eat a cherry outta my mouth before any of the other contestants (Ryan looks at the cream, then her)

Seth: did she say cherry

Mary Sue: if we win it would mean so much to my grandma (Seth looks at her) not havin to worry about my college loans (smiles) with all the money she spends on medication

Seth: yeah (looks at Ryan, caving) (Mary Sue holds her hand out to Seth) (frowns) it’s...her grandma (Ryan looks at him) (takes Mary Sue's hand) who does she have

Ryan: (calls after Seth) yeah well jus...hope Summer hasn’t paid her cable bill

(we see Seth being led through the crowd by Mary Sue - we see more of T.I, the crowd, Swerve and Pixie etc)

CUT TO: Marissa’s bedroom - Marissa’s phone is ringing on her dresser, near a brush and hand mirror. Marissa picks up the phone and looks at who’s calling, then smiles and answers

Marissa: Ryan

(in the background of Ryan we can hear the crowd)

Ryan: (shouts) hello

Marissa: hey, what’s going on (sits on the bed)

Ryan: ah it’s um actually kind of a long story can you do me a favour, if you see Summer, could you please um keep her away from the television

Marissa: (now lying down on her bed) well actually I was going over to Treys to celebrate (shrugs) he got a job

Ryan: really, that’s awesome!

(a drunk girl goes over to Ryan)

DG: they disqualified me from the wet t-shirt contest, but don’t they look real

(the girl lifts her top and shows Ryan + the crowd her chest. we don’t see it, we only see Ryan + the crowds reaction. Ryan is stunned by what he’s seeing. Marissa laughs, listening)

Marissa: wait that wasn’t The Nana was it

DG: oh my god I’m gonna puke (puts her hand over her mouth and moves out of the shot)

(the crowd makes noises as if they are grossed out. we hear the sounds of the drunk girl being sick. Ryan looks grossed out)

Ryan: actually I’m uh...kinda wishin I was back home right now

Marissa: yeah I’m...kinda wishin that too (Ryan listens) stay outta trouble ok

Ryan: yeah, back at ya (hangs up)

(Marissa smiles and then hangs up)

CUT TO: Zach’s house - Zach is in the kitchen cooking, wearing a chef’s hat and he has flour smudged on his cheek. Summer is in there with him

Summer: wow it’s like a regular olive garden around here

Zach: (accent) bonjourno Summer

Summer: (laughs) so, what is (reads) ganochie

Zach: I don’t know, I’m making gnocchi...you've never had gnocchi before

Summer: (shakes her head, laughs) no I’ve never head of it until like five seconds ago, how do you say it

Zach: (looks at Summer) gnocchi {pronounced ny-o-ke}

Summer: gnocchi

Zach: (looks at Summer) bellisimo (Summer laughs) (laughs) listen I’m gonna be a while so I’m gonna turn on the TV here (turns on TV with remote)

Summer: (looks over) ah MVN spring break special

(on the TV we see Swerve and Pixie, and the crowd going wild etc)

Zach: per-fecto (Summer looks at him) (smiles) I took the Italian thing a little to far there didn’t I

Summer: yeah (nods) you had me at bonjourno (Zach smiles then looks away) thanks for having me over (frowns, shakes her head) an don’t worry I wont talk about Cohen

Zach: oh Cohen or no Cohen I’m jus here for the gnocchi (smiles)

(Summer smiles then looks over at the TV. Zach looks at Summer admiringly)

CUT TO: A restaurant of some sort - Sophie and Sandy walk in together

Sophie: I really want you to like him Sandy

Sandy: oh, me too Ma, me too

Sophie: (smiles) there he is

(Bobby is waiting at a table by himself. when he sees Sandy and Sophie he stands)

Sandy: hey Sandy Cohen (shakes Bobby’s hand) pleasure

Bobby: Bobby Mills (smiles) heard alot about ya, hey sweetie (kisses Sophie) it’s unbelievable, you look way too young to have a son this old (laughs) hey no offense

Sandy: why would I be offended (looks at Bobby)

Sophie: I have'ta tinkle so you two have alot to talk about, mainly me (smiles) (Sandy smiles then it goes)

Bobby: she’s a great lady huh, your mom, what a pistol (laughs)

Sandy: I always thought of it as more of an AK forty seven (Bobby laughs) (sits) I gotta tell you Bobby since she’s met you she has mellowed, my mother in love I never thought id see the day

Bobby: she came inta my clinic, I cracked her back (smiles) an the rest is history (sits)

Sandy: wow, that is so romantic, I’m jus so happy she’s met a-a nice guy you know (sits forward) an honest guy

Bobby: oh, well thankyou Sandy

Sandy: no thankyou you know listen there're alotta guys out there, they see an older woman, not in perfect health, with a million dollar condo in her name (Bobby looks at him) well, we've all seen sixty minutes haven’t we

Bobby: well, I’m more a dateline guy, I like that Stone Philips

Sandy: who doesn’t (smiles) (Bobby looks at him) you know I was a public defender for many years an (shakes his head) my tendency is to be suspicious, it’s a problem for me Bobby you know, I’ve got trust issues...I’m workin on it, I’m workin on it (looks at Bobby) but I got a ways to go

Bobby: you can trust me Sandy

Sandy: well that’s what I figured (nods) you know so I tell my cop friends an my buddies at the FBI they say Sandy, Sandy (Bobby listens) let me run a background check on this guy (Bobby looks away) you know what I say (Bobby looks at him) I said nah (sits back) Sophie Cohen is still pretty sharp, if she trusts you...I trust you (Bobby nods)

(Sophie comes back to the table. Bobby and Sandy stand)

Sophie: great-great news they have fresh crab

Sandy: oh they can’t be better then Joes, Bobby, you like Joes stone crab

Bobby: (looks at Sandy) yeah, I love em (Sandy nods)

CUT TO: Treys apparent - Marissa is in the lounge room and Trey comes out of the kitchen holding a blender

Marissa: I figured you've ben outta the loop for a while, you probably need to catch up on your movies (waves DVDs)

Trey: margaritas (points to blender) an movies, sure (Marissa sits on the couch) what'do you got

Marissa: ooooh (holds the movie to her chest) the best movie of like all time The Notebook

Trey: (sits on the bean bag) you know I’m kinda more a shoot em up type guy, where people like die

Marissa: well James Garner doesn’t fair so well

Trey: hey, if it’s your favourite movie, I’m in (hands Marissa a drink. Marissa smiles) a toast, to you, thankyou

Marissa: ah to me, I like that toast

(Marissa smiles and they clink cups. they both drink and the camera pans down to show the jug of margaritas)

CUT TO: Cohen kitchen - we see Kirsten holding a glass of wine in her hand. she picks it up and slowly takes a sip, then looks over at the table where it has 6 lit candles on it. it looks almost romantic. Kirsten is then startled by a timer going off, she puts down her wine glass and goes over to pick up a pan of food, she puts it down on the bench and then blows out a candle. just as she does this Carter appears in the doorway

Carter: (knocks on the wood) hey (smiles) (Kirsten looks suprised) a little early

Kirsten: its ok I-I jus finished (smiles)

Carter: (raises eyebrows) you made all this

Kirsten: it’s amazing what I can do when I’m off work

Carter: (looks at Kirsten) who knew

Kirsten: (nervous laugh) ...would you like some wine (holds up a glass)

CUT TO: Miami - Seth is back stage with Mary Sue, getting ready for the contest. other couples are there as well practicing, Seth frowns as he walks passed a guy licking his partners arm completely clean. Seth waves to Mary Sue

Mary Sue: (laughs) hi

Seth: um, I’ve ben doin like a little bit'a thinking (unsure) an you know I’m not so sure I’m the guy for this job

Mary Sue: (frowns) your backin out on me

Seth: no no no (looks away) its-its not that its jus you know (looks at Mary Sue) there’s whipped cream...an I’m a little bit (raises eyebrows) lactose intolerant so

Mary Sue: (frowns) but if you back out on me ill have no chance to win... (guilt trip) an grandma Mary Ellen won’t pay her medical bills, an ill have'ta drop outta college

Seth: (feels bad) well...I’m a fan'a medicate an education so (smiles) ok

Mary Sue: (relieved laugh) thankyou, thankyou so much (nods)

Seth: no worries (smiles)

Mary Sue: (shy) its almost time to get ready

Seth: (raises eyebrows) ok, what'do we do (raises eyebrows)

(Mary Sue takes her dress off so she’s only in her bikini, Seth watches and nods - we then change scenes to where Ryan walks over to the bar)

Ryan: hey man, can I get a bottle'a water please

(a guy standing on the left of Ryan starts talking to him. {the guy is completely straight faced and serious through this whole scene, however it is completely funny to watch!!})

Guy: how you doin

Ryan: (looks at the guy) eh I’m alright, you

Guy: bad...can’t find my girlfriend

Ryan: yeah, lost her in a crowd

Guy: lost her last night, she told me she was comin to Florida to see her grandma, but her best friend (raises eyebrows) told me she entered some contest down here, modestly revealin her body for money

Ryan: (looks at the guy with wide eyes) oh well, spring break that does happen (smiles and takes a drink)

Guy: doesn’t happen where we're from

Ryan: (looks at the Guy) where’s that

Guy: Bob Jones University (Ryan takes another drink) they find out what she’s doin here, she'll be expelled, which wont matter when she’s burnin in hell

Ryan: (looks at the guy, slightly freaked out) mm yeah that’s rough

Guy: worse part is I think she’s cheatin on me with whoever her partner in sin is (motions with his head) that’s why I brought my boys with me

Ryan: (looks) oh yeah, those your frat brothers

Guy: bible study buddies (Ryan looks at him) we get a ahold'a who's corruptin her (raises eyebrows) gonna be judgment day for him (nods) an Mary Sue

(Ryan has the water bottle in his mouth, and stops drinking when he hears that name. he looks shocked)

Ryan: did you say Mary Sue

(the guy nods and Ryan makes an 'of course it’s her' expression. he then looks out the corner of his eye to the stage where the contest is about to begin. the lights go off and the crowd screams)

CUT TO: Cohen kitchen - Kirsten is struggling to open a bottle of wine on the counter. Kirsten gives up and starts walking over to the table where Carter is sitting holding an empty bottle of wine

Carter: this is scandalous I don’t think I’ve ever finished a full bottle'a wine before dinner (laughs)

Kirsten: is it a bad sign when you drink so much that you can’t open a new bottle (laughs)

Carter: yeah I think it means we should stop drinking (Kirsten looks at him) who're we kidding, here

(Carter stands up and puts his hand on the bottle on top of Kirsten’s, he uses his other hand to pull and the bottle opens. both of their hands are still grasping the bottle)

Carter: there (slowly moves his hand off)

Kirsten: (takes hers off) we definitely need to eat

(Kirsten looks at Carter then goes over to the end of the counter. she looks as though she is struggling to keep it together)

CUT TO: Miami - Sandy and Sophie are seated at a table together, outside by the pool

Sophie: well it looks like the Fontainebleau an I seem to be aging nicely

Sandy: yeah but the Fontainebleau has had alotta work done

Sophie: (smiles) this au naturale thing is why I’m beating them off with a stick (Sandy smiles) speaking of which where is Bobby (getting worried) he should'a ben here by now

Sandy: didn’t he say he was gonna be uh stoppin off at his office (Sophie nods) how far is that from here

Sophie: not all that far, I hope nothings wrong

(we hear a cell phone ring, Sophie picks up her bag and pulls out her phone)

Sandy: (suprised) look at Ma with a cell phone

Sophie: I’m very hip (opens the phone)

Sandy: I guess so

Sophie: (squints) I jus cant read the buttons

Sandy: let me see (looks then presses a button)

Sophie: hello (relieved) Bobby where are you we're waiting for you (smiles goes) what (Sandy looks worried) a malpractice suite sweet heart that’s terrible come over here so we can talk about it (Sandy drinks) the airport where're you going (Sandy looks at her) well how long before you think this thing blows over (frowns, while listening) I see...ok...goodbye (hangs up, stunned) Bobby wont be joining us

Sandy: jus like that huh

(Sophie looks at Sandy, Sandy looks at her)

Sophie: (realises) what'did you say to him

(Sandy looks away, not saying anything. Sophie looks at Sandy for a second before picking up her bag and leaving the table. Sandy is sitting there by himself)

CUT TO: Treys apartment - we see fingers flipping a coin into an empty cup. then we see that Trey and Marissa are sitting at the coffee table, across from each other. Trey is the one who just flicked the coin. Marissa has her hand resting on her head, she’s tipsy

Trey: ooooh

Marissa: oh, man, ok you 're way to good at this cause I’ve lost like (holds her cup up) ten times (laughs) in a row (drinks)

Trey: (swallows) yeah well, I was all Chino (raises eyebrows) in drinking

Marissa: yeah well I thought I was all Newport but clearly you’re in a league of your own because (frowns) I’m...wow (laughs then sits up on the couch)

Trey: maybe we should...watch that movie

(Trey steps over the coffee table and flops down next to Marissa on the couch, they both laugh. Trey leans forward and picks up the remote then sits back and looks at Marissa. Marissa is looking down. Trey plays the movie then again looks at Marissa, she closes her eyes then watches the TV, she looks down then glances at Trey. Trey notices and looks at her again, Marissa smiles slightly then looks away and puts her hand on her neck. Trey again looks over at Marissa then he looks back at the TV)

Marissa: you know maybe we should get some air first (looks at Trey) cause (swallows) I don’t wanna fall asleep during the movie its-its really good

Trey: uh (looks at Marissa then away) yeah, sure (looks at Marissa) ok (stands) lets do it (holds his hand out to Marissa and smiles)

(Marissa looks at Trey and takes his hand, Trey helps her up off of the couch. they both laugh)

Marissa: (a little out of it) ok yeah I uh I definitely need some air (opens the door)

Trey: hey you know what, I will be right there (points) I jus need to grab my jacket

Marissa: (moves her hand over her face, dazed) ok

(Marissa goes out of the door and shuts it. Trey walks back in and starts heading to the far end of the room, then all of a sudden goes over to the couch. he throws a pillow aside and picks up a plastic bag that was hidden underneath it, he looks a little nervous and worried about being caught. he sits down on the couch, grabs his keys from the coffee table then puts his hand into the bag and looks at the door. he brings his hand out of the bag and up to his nose and sniffs back. while this is happening we can hear the screaming and cheering of the crowd in the next scene)

CUT TO: Miami MVN Sprung Break - we see the crowd screaming and cheering then we hear/see Swerve on the stage with Pixie from earlier

Swerve: (yells into the mic) this next contest, is dirty ya'll, it’s off the chain an bananas oh bananas oh bananas oh bananas (crowd screams and cheers) come on

Pixie: who likes whipped cream (crowd screams/cheers)

Swerve: yeah

Pixie: now lets see which of these four guys is truly - whipped (points) give it up you all

Swerve: whoooo

(there are 4 pink column type things on the stage, on top of each one is a can of whipped cream. the couples walk out and stand next to their cream. Seth and Mary Sue are the second couple and Seth does a small wave to the crowd)

Swerve: bring em out...come on bring out the whipped cream, yeeeeeaaahhh

(we see a guy spraying whipped cream over a girls bikini top. we then see another guy doing the same thing to Mary Sue. Seth is watching)

Swerve: paint that body (everyone is still screaming) paint that body

(in the crowd we see the guy from earlier still standing with Ryan, he’s looking towards the stage and Ryan is looking worried - we see a nervous looking Mary Sue on stage, still being 'painted'. the guy is spraying the cream on her stomach now. Seth is still watching)

Guy: (points) there she is

(Ryan notices, and goes past the bible study buddies)

Guy: its time to bring fire an brim stone down on her (points) an that skinny little sinner

(we see Mary Sue still being covered in whipped cream. Seth is still watching. the guy is doing her back now, Seth nods. the guy finishes her back then puts the cherry in Mary Sue’s mouth. Seth is looking at the crowd frowning)

Swerve: whooo come on, winner gets five large, hot - chick - sundaes - go (puts his hand in the air) come on ya'll

(we now see Seth and Mary Sue side on. he has his mouth completely on her stomach and he has whipped cream all over his face. this scene zooms out and we are then watching the contest through Zach’s TV)

CUT TO: Zach’s kitchen - as I said the TV is showing the contest, and Summer and Zach are sitting at the table together completely oblivious

Summer: (looks at Zach) oh my god, I love gnocchi (Zach smiles) it’s like an Italian dumpling (shakes her head) what a concept

Zach: (points) d'you want more, I made tons

Summer: yeah, thanks (smiles)

(Zach stands and takes Summers plate away to get her more gnocchi. Summer glances over at the TV)

Summer: (frowns) oh eww, this is that event where you have'ta eat whipped cream off some girl, that is so disgusting what girl would agree to that, what guy would be pathetic enough ta humiliate himself on national television (raises eyebrows)

(we see what Summer is seeing on the TV, which is Mary Sue still holding the cherry in her mouth, but the whipped cream is gone. on the left side of the screen is 'live' on the right is 'miami, fl' and down the bottom is a banner that reads 'SPRUNG BREAK' 05'. Seth pops up behind Mary Sue, his face is covered in whipped cream. he taps her on the shoulder urgently and she turns her head to face his. he prepares to take the cherry from her mouth as the crowd screams. Summer watches the screen then squints, taking a second look - we see the camera zoom in on Seth taking the cherry from Mary Sue’s mouth. Seth puts his hand in the air triumphantly, and he has whipped cream on his forehead, the tip of his nose and all around his mouth. Mary Sue has a little on the corner of her mouth, from Seth. Summer frowns, disgusted just as Zach comes back in)

Zach: I hope this is enough sauce um (Summer gets up from the table) I made a whole bunch so

(Summer grabs Zach and kisses him urgently, Zach is thrown but happy)

Zach: (smiles) I-I guess you liked the gnocchi

(Summer doesn’t say anything, she just puts her arms around Zach’s neck and kisses him again)

CUT TO: Miami - Swerve says something to the crowd but I can’t understand what it is, sorry. Swerve goes over to Seth and Mary Sue. Pixie holds Seth’s arm up in the air and he smiles, Swerve holds Mary Sues arm up in the air, on the other side. one of the other couples realise they lost and the guy stops licking the girl, disappointed. the crowd is still going wild. in the crowd we see Ryan pushing through, urgently

Seth: (waves, with the cherry still in his mouth) hey Swerve (smiles)

(Ryan urgently runs up onto the stage and over to Seth)

Seth: (excited, mumbles) Ryan, we won

Ryan: (touches Seth’s arm) yeah now we gotta go (looks out at the crowd, worried)

Seth: (eating the cherry) what

Mary Sue: looks like my boyfriend (leaves the stage)

Seth: (confused) your what

(in the crowd a bouncer tries to stop the Guy and his bible study buddies from getting to the stage)

Bouncer: whoa whoa contestants only

(the guys push the bouncer out of the way and continues to the stage)

Seth: (points) who are those guys

Ryan: uh there-there in the same bible study class

Seth: oh (points) well think we can convince em to turn the other cheek

(the guys are now on the stage, heading towards Seth and Ryan)

Guy: prepare to meet your maker (points)

Seth: looks like not

(Ryan is standing with his back to Seth, and all the bible study buddies surround them. Seth waves)

CUT TO: The Nanas place - Sophie is sitting on the couch by herself, she looks upset. Sandy walks over, he looks helpless and lost

Sandy: I’m sorry Ma (slowly sits next to Sophie) I was lookin out for you

Sophie: (teary, looks at Sandy) I know...I guess part of me knew (raises eyebrows) I guess that’s why I wanted you to come down here (sighs) I just...wanted to believe...I wasn’t gonna be spending the rest of my life alone

Sandy: I could extend my trip, spend some more time down here

Sophie: (shakes her head) please sweetheart (touches Sandy’s hand) you have someone you love back home (Sandy puts his hand on Sophie’s) you should be with her (Sandy looks down) ...but it would be very nice if you visited your old mother a little more often

Sandy: (smiles) alright (Sophie smiles)

CUT TO: Cohen kitchen - Carter and Kirsten are both standing near the table with plates in their hands, they walk over to the counter

Carter: I think that was the best meal I’ve ever had (puts his plate down)

Kirsten: well I’m glad you liked it (smiles) ill...tell the chef

Carter: well I thought I was telling the chef (looks at Kirsten)

Kirsten: ok (looks at Carter) confession

Carter: yeah

Kirsten: I had the meal catered (smiles) I am the worlds worst cook

Carter: (laughs) ah

Kirsten: (laughs) mm-hmm yeah

Carter: well ok but but...so you went to all this trouble, why blow your cover now

Kirsten: (looks at Carter) well maybe it’s the wi

Kikavu ?

Au total, 57 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

17.06.2022 vers 19h

19.02.2021 vers 18h

08.02.2021 vers 12h

15.05.2020 vers 14h

31.05.2019 vers 08h

07.04.2019 vers 23h

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CastleBeck, 08.05.2024 à 23:08

Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

sanct08, 10.05.2024 à 19:42

Bonsoir ! Sondages, Calendriers et forums n'attendent que vous !

sanct08, 10.05.2024 à 19:43

Venez nombreuses et nombreux chez Star Trek - The X-Files et Le Camélon :=)

Profilage, Avant-hier à 13:49

Nouveau sondage international sur FBI. Vous êtes les bienvenus

sossodu42, Hier à 12:21

Le quartier HPI attend encore 4 votes positifs à sa bannière pour un futur design merci

Viens chatter !